Seated Male Nude Pointing with Left Hand by Unknown artist Image from public domain licenseA young nude woman sitting: back view. Engraving by J.D. Herz after himself, c. 1732. Image from public domain licenseStudy for the figures of Venus and Cupid (recto); Study of a Male Nude (verso) by Simon Vouet Image from public domain licenseStudieblad met tekenvoorbeelden: ogen, koppen en dierenTekenvoorbeelden (series title) (1608 - 1660) by Michael Snijders.… Image from public domain licenseTelemachus Plays and Sings to the Shepherds in Egypt, from The Adventures of Telemachus, Book 2 by Bartolomeo Pinelli Image from public domain licenseNude Male Figures Bearing the Bodies of their Dead Companions by James Jefferys Image from public domain licenseBust of Male Nude (recto); Portrait Sketch of Man with Sketches of Women (verso) by Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson Image from public domain licenseMagician Making a Prediction to an Emperor (recto); Male Nude Carrying a Load (verso) by Unknown Italian Image from public domain licenseNaked man posing sexually. Torso van een naakte man met gewaad over een arm (1688 - 1698) by anonymous. Original from The… Image from public domain licenseFiguurstudie van staand naakt (1810) by Jean Augustin Daiwaille Image from public domain licenseAn old woman sitting in the nude: back view. Engraving by J.D. Herz after himself, c. 1732. Image from public domain licenseA male nude, seen from the front, holding an apple. Engraving by F. Boitard after a woodcut. Image from public domain licenseSuperficial anatomy of the man. Engraving by A. Bell after G. Bidloo, 1798. Image from public domain licenseRome - Palais du Vatican, Chapelle Sixtine, Michel-Ange by Adolphe Braun Image from public domain licenseA kneeling male nude shown looking down to the floor, his head resting on his hand. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J.… Image from public domain licenseStudies of male and female nudes, a satyr, and a camel (recto); Statue of Marcus Aurelius (verso) by Cherubino Alberti Image from public domain licenseA seated male nude, with arms and legs crossed. Crayon manner print by Lavalée after J. Gamelin, 1779. Image from public domain licenseA male nude model being drawn by the life class at the Royal Academy in London. Etching by C.W. Cope, 1865. Image from public domain licenseRome - Palais du Vatican, Chapelle Sixtine, Michel-Ange by Adolphe Braun Image from public domain licenseTwo Standing Male Figures (recto); A Man Reclining and Other Studies (verso) by Andrea Mantegna Image from public domain licenseYoung men bathing naked in the Tiber. Process print after Georges Paul Leroux, 1909. Image from public domain licenseA bearded male nude figure with outstretched arms imploring a young seated male nude figure at whose feet he sits. Engraving… Image from public domain licenseStaand mannelijk naakt, op de rug gezien (1e prijs 1767) (1767) by Jan Gerard Waldorp Image from public domain licenseNaakte man, met de rechterhand op een stenen blok leunend (1836) by Henricus Wilhelmus Couwenberg Image from public domain licenseNaakte man, met de rechterhand op een stenen blok leunend (1836) by Henricus Wilhelmus Couwenberg and Frans Buffa en Zonen Image from public domain licenseKnielend mannelijk naakt (1e prijs 1780) (1780) by Jan Tersteeg Image from public domain licenseZittend mannelijk naakt op een kussen (1830) by Dirk Jurriaan Sluyter Image from public domain licenseMars [Ares]. Engraving by G. van der Gucht after L. Cheron after L. Carracci. Image from public domain licenseStaand mannelijk naakt bij stenen blok (1836) by Dirk Jurriaan Sluyter, Dirk Jurriaan Sluyter, Cornelis Apostool and Dirk… Image from public domain licenseArchers shooting at a herm. Colour stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1785, after Michelangelo. Image from public domain licenseMannelijk naakt (1746 - 1793) by Louis Marin Bonnet, Charles Nicolas Cochin II and Louis Marin Bonnet Image from public domain licenseJudith en dienstmaagd met het hoofd en lichaam van Holofernes (1881 - 1931) by Johannes Josephus Aarts Image from public domain licenseZittend mannelijk naakt, van opzij gezien (2e prijs 1770) (1770) by Anthony Andriessen Image from public domain licenseStudie van mannelijk naakt (1842) by Lubertus Teunis van Deth and Lubertus Teunis van Deth Image from public domain licenseStaande naakte man met armen rond zijn hoofd gevouwen (1769 - 1790) by Louis Marin Bonnet and Le Campion Frères Image from public domain licenseA male nude, seen from the front, holding an apple. Engraving by F. Boitard after a woodcut. Image from public domain licenseZittende naakte man met handen om zijn knie gevouwen (1746 - 1793) by Louis Marin Bonnet, Van Loo and Louis Marin Bonnet Image from public domain licenseA seated male nude figure with right arm outstretched, seen from behind. Engraving by Defehrt after J.H. Fragonard. Image from public domain licenseNaakte man draagt een tegel op zijn schouder (1600) by anonymous Image from public domain licenseMannelijk naakt (1825) by Johannes de Mare and Philippus Velijn Image from public domain licenseBacchus on a chariot preceded by a drunken procession of nude men, women and satyrs all carrying grapes. Engraving, 16--… Image from public domain licenseSculptuur van een herder met een slang (1900 - 1937) by Maria Arnoldina van Hove and Louis Royer Image from public domain licenseAn inscription carved on stone with marble statues by Michelangelo including Romulus and Remus. Engraving by J. Perini… Image from public domain licenseTwo male nudes in the same pose, with a raised right arm, seen from the front and the back. Engraving. Image from public domain licenseNaakte man, met de rechterhand op een stenen blok leunend (1836) by Henricus Wilhelmus Couwenberg, Cornelis Apostool and… Image from public domain licenseA seated male nude figure. Engraving by Defehrt after J.H. Fragonard. Image from public domain licenseStaande naakte man (1746 - 1793) by Louis Marin Bonnet, François Boucher, weduwe François Chéreau I, weduwe François Chéreau… Image from public domain licenseA female nude draws a compass over a globe; representing astrology. Engraving attributed to G. Bonasone, 1544. Image from public domain licenseNaakte roeiende man, op de rug gezien (1746 - 1793) by Louis Marin Bonnet, Louis Jean François Lagrenée I and Louis Marin… Image from public domain licenseA workman wearing a protective apron and overshoes. Process print after Constantin Meunier, 190-. 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